We attended the same high school and never really talked to each other, who would have known that we were perfect for each other. We would see each other around town and say hello casually, but nothing ever came of it. Cassie had went to the National Guard picnic in spring 2006 with her friend Eileen. Jon her boyfriend at the time, now husband, was in the National Guard. Ernie had gotten Cassie's phone number from there and they were supposed to go out. Meanwhile Ernie waited 1 whole month before callng her, and then when he finally did call it was at 11pm. Cassie declined the offer to meet him for drinks that night since it was so late. We arranged to meet the next week. We met up and have been inseperable ever since.
In June 2007 Ernie proposed to Cassie while we were on vacation in Disney World. We were walking through the animal kingdom and stopped to take a picture in front of "Mt. Everest" and the photographer was about to take the picture and Ernie got down on one knee and asked Cassie to marry him. She said yes of course and now we're planning a wedding.