It's all because of Margie and too much wine.
Sarah went to an AVID conference in Sacramento. At her table were Margie and Susie; they got to know each other pretty well that first day. Both of the women offered for Sarah to meet one of their sons. Margie won. The following day she gave Sarah the phone number of "the son Sarah needed to meet." Immediately, Sarah thought about just throwing the number away. BUT...that night Sarah's friends, Leilani and Karyl, gave her too much wine and with the liquid courage Sarah called Matt and left a message. Later he called back and they talked for over an hour; the next day another call for an hour...and so on and so on.
Matt and Sarah finally met in person about 3 weeks later at a bar on Cannery Row, Sly McFly's.

Date: July 5, 2008
Time: 02:30 PM
Location: Los Laureles Lodge
Address: 313 West Carmel Valley Rd.
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
831 -659-2233
Weblink: http://www.loslaureles.com/
Attire: Semi-formal

Monterey Airport is the easiest airport to fly in and out of because of the location; however, sometimes the prices tend to be a little higher. The San Jose Airport is approximately one and one-half hours away while The San Francisco Airport is approximately two hours away.
Los Laureles Lodge, where the wedding and reception will be, has all 31 rooms reserved for the guests. There is a variety of rooms available for differing sizes of families. Because it is a holiday weekend, there is a minimum stay of 3 nights. The rooms are reserved for July 3rd, 4th, and 5th. If you choose to stay there, request your room by specifying that you will be guests at the Hill-Smith wedding. http://www.loslaureles.com/index.html

We appreciate that you are celebrating in our love and happiness as we blend our two families as one.